Etudes au Maroc, guide des écoles privée et public, écoles supérieures encg ensa,ISTA Maroc et de la formation professionnelle au Maroc ,licence professionnelle au maroc articleetablissement

concours au maroc 2025 : concours au maroc 2025



“Kantra de Sebou”. Named after the river which flows beside it, a small village composed of few old shops, a primary school, Mosque, Marie and the office of the community rural. This small village has been neglected for the 35 years by greedy and corrupt politicians “That what they label themselves”, savoir faire. All the members of the community rural have been bought during the election. They been clinging to power for the last twenty years. “Kantra de Sebou” has never progressed since. The education is mediocre. There is no college, no proper hospital; most of the residents don’t have running water. The roads are so lamentable...The governor office allocate a budget for the village for social service, education and public transportation for the students….but all these deeds for the humanity get neglected by the local politicians..Most the money goes into deep pockets….

Please help.


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